I am a proud owner of a black MacBook. I was amazed by the magnet on top of the power connector, which was intended to make the connection much sturdier. Yes, it was.
What didn't stand the time was the cable itself. Somehow it did not stand the dayly usage stress and actually burned today. I had to look up my soldering iron and to use some violence towards the plug. Yes, it works now, but besides being in matching black color, it is all but stylish.. And the plug will not come out of the Mac unless it brakes again, so I have to use my MacBook as a table top computer now;) The perspective of buying a 130 usd usp is beyond my comprehension. Good design, Apple!
But, they sell new bootlegs on Ebay..
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rosendals Trädgård
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Rosendals Trädgård
I would like to recomend a wonderful place ifyou ever visit Stockholm. It lies on the island of Skansen (10 minute walk from the center of Stockholm) and comprises of several magic gardens, including a 5 years old vineyard.
I took those pictures for two weeks ago and the place is as beautiful in winter as in summer.
Winter has arrived to Tallinn

We had winds of 18-30m/s, yet the air was quite warm, around 0 c.
About 30 000 households stayed without power, most roads were stuffed with snow, airplanes were stranded, harbors closed, schools closed.
Yet our tough municipalities and government meant that no harm was done and no reason to call for national assistance was at hand. Their reasoning was: for an emergency there has to be severe disturbances of traffic, power and communications.

This is how it looked in Central Tallinn after the storm.
I have no comment;)
Friday, August 1, 2008
The varieties that can be found at our test-site

I have thought of making a list of varieties of grapevines that grow at our small farm. This could help sharing the information and experiences with other growers. Most of the list is currently planted on 0.8 ha.
On the picture to the left: we had a wonderful meeting this early summer with a snake couple making love in the Rondo pot;) under our window..
The list:
Black Hamburg, Cabernet Cortis, Cabernet Frank, Madeleine Angevine, Madelene Royal, Guna, Zilga, Jubilei Novgoroda, Mitchurinets, Zarja Severa, Jokke, Swensson Red, Somerset Seedless, ES-7-9-48, Krassavets, Aljoshenka, Dushambe, NY Muscat, Canadice, Valiant, Shirvinta, Russven, Toldi, Severnoi Rannii, Kuzminskii Sinii, Skandia, Hasanskii Sladkii (Baltika), Rondo, Vamushka, Loza Mira, Alfa - probably forgot some..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Information Horizon

There are a few thoughts that do want to escape my head once in a while. I have been following the progress of information physics and some quantum physics. There are a couple of things I'd like to ask Einstein, if he could answer me;)
There is to be a horizon of information around the perimeter of a black hole, no matter how physically small it is. Information is to be indestructible. If that is so, does that apply for the information that lives on living beings aswell? The Mems that reside on all living beings? What happens to the information that one person carries with itself during ones life once the living person dissapears? Where is the horizon? (please don't start with spirits and angels=or ufos)
We all know that the stars we see in the heaven is a reflection from millions of years from the past. In theory, we could travel away from the Earth and look back into the past if we had proper optics. Taking into account the possible quantum states of any photons, one could possibly read the time backwards without leaving the Earth. But! Since seeing alters the state of the matter, i.e. we have an unlimited amount of possible existences in parallel.. , then is there any way of seeing the past that we think should be the proper one? Because there seems to be an unlimited amount of pasts, presents and futures.
And last, but not least. The conciousness. For the information physics: the way we do percieve the surrounding time and space. Is there only one way to percieve the universe or are there similar countless experiences in countless universes? Or do we choose the universe every second of our life by our choices? Yes, you can talk about Karma now.
Good thinking;)
quantum physics,
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The future of Digital Music on the Internet

Then it hit me. Well, in order to really capture the masses, future licensing of all music should be included in the monthly internet or mobile bill. The user should not have to bother to buy and pay for the exact songs or files, instead a world-wide catalogue should be avaliable for a monthly fee.
The files should be stored on the net, a bit like the photo-hosting services today. Instead of file duplicates, different databases of your chosen music lists should be held there and recalled for play-back. In order to access that catalogue and your own favourites, you have to pay for it to your operator.
Actually, come to think of that - that is the way we act today when we access You Tube.. or MySpace... The only difference is that the content owners do not get paid. What if the music there would be legal and the authors would get paid in the same way as with services as Rhapsody or I-Tunes?
I thought as usual, that there is no output to my idea, since I am not working within any organisation or company in this field. But then again: I have a BLOG. So let this post be like a bottle that you throw in the sea.. Who finds it, could use it;)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The little vines are waking up
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