I have thought of making a list of varieties of grapevines that grow at our small farm. This could help sharing the information and experiences with other growers. Most of the list is currently planted on 0.8 ha.
On the picture to the left: we had a wonderful meeting this early summer with a snake couple making love in the Rondo pot;) under our window..
The list:
Black Hamburg, Cabernet Cortis, Cabernet Frank, Madeleine Angevine, Madelene Royal, Guna, Zilga, Jubilei Novgoroda, Mitchurinets, Zarja Severa, Jokke, Swensson Red, Somerset Seedless, ES-7-9-48, Krassavets, Aljoshenka, Dushambe, NY Muscat, Canadice, Valiant, Shirvinta, Russven, Toldi, Severnoi Rannii, Kuzminskii Sinii, Skandia, Hasanskii Sladkii (Baltika), Rondo, Vamushka, Loza Mira, Alfa - probably forgot some..
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